Parkside Primary School Governor Termly Update - Spring Term
Parkside Primary School Governor Termly Update
What a fantastic Spring Term………
We just wanted to give you a quick update on the School, how it is moving forward and what we’ve been concentrating on in the last term.
Staff Update
We said Goodbye to Mr Green, our caretaker and welcomed Mr Bunker.
Miss Sutton became Mrs Bell – many congratulations to her and her new husband.
We have had a number of pupils join the school this year. This demonstrates the dedication of the team and has been noticed by the wider community. Parents are actively choosing to bring their children to Parkside School. We welcome the children and their families into the Parkside Community and hope that they are happy and settled into school life.
As governors, we are all volunteers and give up our free time to come to meetings. These are worthwhile when we share experiences that really inspire us and see how the school is improving.
We undertook a learning walk to observe lessons to ensure that we understood what is happening within the classroom. We focused on writing and how the children are making rapid progress in their writing ability. The promise of the morning was that each class is given the experience first, whether it be watching part of the Snowman, opening a Harry Potter Café, drawing giants, marching in formation, acting out a scene from a story or listening out for The Iron Man (last seen in Reception!). The children built up their story, setting or character and wrote about it. Although we were amazed by the phenomenal writing in the school, from reception to year 6 what was more evident was how the children were in their learning. They were all excited about the classroom activities; all knew what they were doing, were learning and loved telling us about it. These mornings demonstrate how the school is progressing and made us proud to be part of it.
We’ve also thrown down the challenge to improve the school’s delivery of sport provision. We feel that Mrs Unwin and the school have increased the amount of clubs on offer, and we have more competitive competitions that Parkside enters. We are now competing in many sports and delighted that our girl’s football team finished third in the district. This is great progress, although we know the work is not finished, we are spending the funding we receive for PE to make a difference to our children.
One of the improvement points on our GOOD Ofsted was how we fit ICT into our curriculum. We are currently looking at the best way forward to proceed with ICT into the classroom. Much work and focus is happening on this and we will give you a full update next term.
Parkside Primary is on a rapidly improving journey because of the hard work and dedication of all the members of the school community. This includes the staff, the governors, the PTA and you the parents and carers, and the most important group for whom this is all about, the children.
We would be delighted to hear from you if you have any feedback or questions and we can be contacted
Happy Easter to all of Parkside community!